How To Say You Are Having Fun In Portuguese

If you are trying to say that you are having fun, or having a good time in Brazilian Portuguese, there are several ways to express this:

1. Curtir

This verb is slang for “to have fun” or “to enjoy.” It’s frequently used by young people to talk about going out and having a good time.

Curtimos muito a festa ontem. We had a lot of fun at the party yesterday.

Vou curtir muito o feriado. I’m going to enjoy the holiday.

*”curtir” is also the word that Facebook in Brazil has used for the “like” button

2. Aproveitar

This verb literally means “to take advantage of” but can also be used to mean “have a good time” or “have fun.”

Aproveitaram muito a viagem. They had a lot of fun on their trip.

Você aproveitou o passeio no barco? Did you have fun on the boat ride?

3. Divertir-se

This verb is the standard verb used to mean “to have fun.”

Me diverti muito no Rio. I had a lot of fun in Rio.

Ele se divertiu no jogo. He had fun at the game.