Advice For Working in Brazil: Obtaining an Internship & Formatting Your Resume in Portuguese

Obtaining an Internship In Brazil & Making A Resume in Portuguese

In Brazilian Portuguese, an internship is called an estágio. Like in other countries, it’s an opportunity for students or young people to gain experience in a company, either unpaid or with a small stipend or salary. In Brazil, interns are called estagiários, and to participate in an internship is to estagiar. In Brazil, internships are competitive, but some also opt to do internships abroad. In some cases, applicants have to take an entry exam, like you would have to for a civil service job.

Fantástico News Video On The Importance of Internships

Here’s a recent news segment from Globo’s Fantástico program about estágios:

Video: How To Prepare Your Resume For Brazil (In Portuguese)

And here’s a video from VEJA magazine, giving advice about how to prepare a resume, called a CV or currículo.


…And Here’s Some More Useful Portuguese Vocabulary:


carta de apresentação – cover letter

currículo – resume, CV

College Majors / School Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese

In Brazil, a college major is called a graduação. Unlike American universities, Brazilian colleges allow students to graduate as lawyers, doctors, and other specialized careers from their undergraduate studies, which for these majors is sometimes more than four years of study. We’re going to take a look at some common Brazilian majors:

administração – administration

arquitetura – architecture

ciências biológicas – Biology

ciências sociais – social sciences

comunicação social – communications

direito – law

enfermagem – nursing

engenharia – engineering

física – physics

história – history

letras – Portuguese or a foreign language

matemática – math

medicina – medicine

odontologia – dentistry

pedagogia – teaching

química – chemistry

relações internacionais – international relations

serviço social – social work

turismo – tourism