1 Corinthians 13 in Portuguese – 13 de 1 Coríntios Em Português

1 Corinthians 13 in Portuguese (13 de 1 Coríntios Em Português)

AINDA que eu falasse as línguas dos homens e dos anjos, e não tivesse amor, seria como o metal que soa ou como o sino que tine.

E ainda que tivesse o dom de profecia, e conhecesse todos os mistérios e toda a ciência, e ainda que tivesse toda a fé, de maneira tal que transportasse os montes, e não tivesse amor, nada seria.

E ainda que distribuísse toda a minha fortuna para sustento dos pobres, e ainda que entregasse o meu corpo para ser queimado, e não tivesse amor, nada disso me aproveitaria.

O amor é sofredor, é benigno; o amor não é invejoso; o amor não trata com leviandade, não se ensoberbece.

Não se porta com indecência, não busca os seus interesses, não se irrita, não suspeita mal;

Não folga com a injustiça, mas folga com a verdade;

Tudo sofre, tudo crê, tudo espera, tudo suporta.

O amor nunca falha; mas havendo profecias, serão aniquiladas; havendo línguas, cessarão; havendo ciência, desaparecerá;

Porque, em parte, conhecemos, e em parte profetizamos;

Mas, quando vier o que é perfeito, então o que o é em parte será aniquilado.

Quando eu era menino, falava como menino, sentia como menino, discorria como menino, mas, logo que cheguei a ser homem, acabei com as coisas de menino.

Porque agora vemos por espelho em enigma, mas então veremos face a face; agora conheço em parte, mas então conhecerei como também sou conhecido.

Agora, pois, permanecem a fé, a esperança e o amor, estes três, mas o maior destes é o amor.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

13 de 1 Coríntios

Traditional Brazilian Holidays – Festa Junina


The Festa Junina are festivities that take place in June in Brazil and are extremely popular throughout the country and among all social classes. Originally called joanina from São João, they celebrate the Catholic Saints:

  • Santo Antônio – Saint Anthony – 13th June
  • São João – Saint John – 24th June
  • São Pedro – Saint Peter – 29th June

The church fair, usually with a charity bazaar, is called a quermesse. The festivities also celebrate rural life and feature typical dress, food and dance. They usually take place in a large open space outdoors called an arraial and people dress up as farmers, or country folk (caipira) with straw hats and checked shirts or dresses. São João celebrates marriage, so couples dance a kind of square dance called a quadrilha which features a mock wedding with the bride and groom. June is the time of the corn harvest, so special dishes are prepared made with corn. Canjica is made from grated corn and coconut, boiled with water, milk, sugar and cinnamon. Pamonha is a sweet concoction of corn paste which is rolled and baked in fresh cornhusks. Pinhão, an edible pine seed is also very popular. A typical drink is the quentão. As the name suggests, this is a hot alcoholic drink with ginger and usually cachaça – a kind of rum made from sugar cane and commonly known as pinga.

Bonfires and firework displays are also important features of these colourful two-week celebrations.

this is just bizarre, and funny. i found it trying to find pictures for festa junina

*Sources: http://www.theportugueseblog.com/

Religion: Christianity In Brazil – Some Vocabulary and Information

Evangelical Christianity is thriving in Brazil. That the evangelical and pentecostal churches in Brazil are strong is immediately evident to any visitor. Compared to other Latin American countries where non-Catholic congregations are often small, hidden away on back streets and decidedly not influential, the church is Brazil is almost brazen in its visibility and self-promotion.

From one or more churches on every block in some sectors of Rio de Janeiro to billboards for a Christian bookstore overlooking downtown Sao Paulo’s popular central square; from numerous radio and television stations broadcasting fiery sermons around the clock to two teenaged sisters unashamedly singing Christian hymns and choruses on an extended bus trip; from glaring neon signs proclaiming “Assemblies of God” atop the largest buildings in some rural towns to evangelicals in the president’s cabinet and a strong evangelical bloc in the nation’s congress, Brazilians are filling churches as fast as they can open and sharing their faith in a way that would put fellow believers in other countries to shame.

Rio De Janeiro, often called "The City of God." One can see why.


um cristão – a christian (person)

vida cristã – christian life

misericórdia – mercy

um culto – a service (church service)

versículo – bible verse

espírito santo – the holy spirit

superar – to overcome (a difficult situation)

honra – honor

orações – prayers

rezar, orar – to pray

bênção – blessing

abençoar – to bless

evangelismo – evangelism

reino – kingdom

deus – god

reino de deus – kingdom of god

satanás – satan

santo – holy

redenção – redemption

– faith

amor – love

milagre – miracle

onipotente, todo poderoso – omnipotent

onisciente – omniscient

onipresente – omnipresent

poderoso – powerful

repudiar – disavow

perdão  – forgiveness, absolution

santificado – sanctified

grata – greatful

louvar  – to praise

consagrado – consecrated

eterno – eternal

se ajoelhar – to kneel, get down on one’s knees

salvador – savior

jesus cristo – jesus christ

a bíblia – the bible

Milan star Kaka and his Brazilian teammates have been told to stop making overt displays of their Christianity during matches

pregador – preachor

pastor, pastora – pastor

meditação – meditation

pecado – a sin

pecar – to sin

adorar – to worship

comunhão – communion, holy communion

ungido – anointed

unção – anointment

assembléia de deus – assembly of god

worshipers in brazil

Sources: http://www.lam.org/news/article.php?id=250

Holiday Season Portuguese Vocab List

Here is some Portuguese vocab to prepare you for the holiday season in brazil:


boas festas – happy holidays

feliz natal – merry christmas

feliz hanuká – happy hanukah

feliz ano novo – Happy New Year

reveillon – New Year’s Eve

presente – gift

amigo oculto – Secret Santa

papai noel – Santa Claus

peru – turkey

embrulho – wrapping paper

fita – ribbon

árvore de natal – Christmas tree

enfeites de natal – ornaments

Vocab Lessons: Religion and Spirituality

Brazilian Portuguese Religious Vocabulary List:

– faith

pecado – sin

pecar – to sin

rogar – to beg, plead, ask

misericórdia – pity, compassion, mercy

adorar or venerar – to worship

louvar – to praise (god)

uma crença– a belief

presságio– omen, sign, premonition

muçulmana– muslim

cristão – christian

judeu – jewish

templo judaico – jewish temple

mesquita – mosque

igreja – church