Expressions with the Verb “Dar”

The use of the verb Dar to give with the alternate meaning to be possibleis ubiquitous in Brazil.

Using dar in this manner is different from using poder; dar indicates possibility and likelihood of an occurrence in an impersonal way. Poder serves to specify literal ability: he can complete the task, it is believable, ‘I can get from here to there by bike’ and so forth. Dar is better used to say it will work, it will be possible, ‘this will work with my plans’, ‘there will be enough time’ etc.



Vai dar pra você reunir um pouquinho mais tarde? Can you meet a little later?
Dá para ele comprar mais duas? Can he buy two more?


Here’s some further clarification; let’s look at the following sentences both translating as Can you let me know this afternoon?

Pode me avisar hoje na tarde?
Dá pra você me avisar hoje na tarde?

In the first, using poder the meaning is just like the English translation and informally has the subtext Hey, do you mind letting me know this afternoon? I’d appreciate it as opposed to the second sentence, which implies that there is some doubt as to the possibility of letting the person know. It would therefore mean either Is it going to be possible for you to get this information today by the close of business? or Will you have time to give me a call with this information later?


The verb dar is extremely useful, as you can see, and as I stated earlier is used with overwhelming frequency in everyday life. Some forms of the verb are irregular, so let me list a couple here for your clarity of use:


Eu dou. I give (1st person singular, present tense)
Ele . He gives (3rd person singular, present tense)
The subjunctive of is highly irregular and I plan on doing another post about those forms.


The past participle of dar, ‘dado’ is quite common and when simply used as an adjective means given, as in os fatos dados the given facts.


dar para – referring to having (or not having talent for something (ter talento).
Example: “eu não dou para matemática.” – “I don’t have talent for math.”

dar para – when referring to a location that “overlooks” something (localização).
Example: “a janela do quarto dá para o mar.” – “the bedroom window overlooks the sea.”
dar para – when referring to whether something is possible or not (ser possível)
Example: “não dá para comprar este carro. É muito caro.” – “i can’t buy this car (it’s not possible to buy this car). It’s too expensive.”
dar bom-dia/boa noite/boa tarde/tchau – in Portuguese, while you can say goodbye (falar tchau) you can also give goodbye (dar tchau) etc. and it means the same thing…
Example: “ele me deu boa-tarde quando me viu.” – “he said good-afternoon when he saw me.”
dar certo/errado – referring to whether or  not a situation or a plan worked out or not (ter um determinado resultado)
Example: “A receita não deu certo.” – “the recipe didn’t work out.”
dar um susto/tapa/beijo etc. – to scare or frighten someone, to hit someone, or to kiss someone:
Examples: “ele me deu um susto!” – literally: “he gave me a scare!” means: “he scared me!”
“ela me deu um beijo.” – “she kissed me.”
ele me deu um tapa!” – “he hit me!”
dar-se bem/mal com – to get along with (or not get along with) someone:
Example: “eu me dou bem com o meu irmão.” – “i get allong well with my brother.”
Other Expressions:
a menina deu gritos – the girl cried out. 
dá na mesma – it’s all the same.  
dar alta – to discharge (from a hospital).
dar a mão à palmatória – to admit of being wrong.
dar as boas-vindas a – to welcome, extend a welcome to.
dar as caras – to show up.
dar cabo de – to kill.
dar com a língua nos dentes – to blab, tattle, spill the beans.
dar de cara com – to bump into.
dar de ombros – to shrug.
dar duro – to work hard.
dar em alguém – to beat, thrash someone.
dar em nada – to come to nothing.
dar margens a dúvidas – to admit of a doubt.
dar murro em ponta de faca – to commit oneself to a difficult and dangerous task.
dar na vista – to strike the eye.
dar no pé, dar o fora – to take off.
dar pancadas – to lay blows.
dar passagem – to step aside, make way for.
dar por falta de – to miss.
dar-se conta de – to awaken to, realize.
dar-se por vencido – to give in, yield.
dar-se pressa – to make haste.
dar tento de – to see, notice.
dar uma de doente – to feign illness.
dar uma volta – to take a stroll.
dar um fora  to dump, get rid of someone.
dar um jeito – to manage, find a way to do something.
dar um passeio – to take a walk.
dar vantagens a – to give points to.
dar voltas  to walk around, or to beat around the bush.
dê o fora! – get out of here!
deram parte à polícia – they informed the police.
deu-me na cabeça escrever – I took it into my head to write.
ele dá a impressão de estar envergonhado – he has an air of being ashamed of himself.
ele foi dar um passeio – he went for a walk.
eles lhe deram uma lição – they taught him better.
eles não deram ouvidos à mulher – they paid no attention to the woman.
isto dá uma idéia – it gives an idea.
isto lhe dá muito trabalho – it gives him a lot trouble.
não darei o braço a torcer – I will not yield.
não se dar por achado – to feign ignorance, play dumb.
o crime deu o que falar – the crime was much talked about.
o navio deu contra o recife – the ship struck the reef.
o relógio deu cinco horas – the clock struck five.
para dar e vender – plenty of.
para o que der e vier – through thick and thin.
vamos dar um fim nisso – let’s put an end to it.