Portugese Word of The Day: “Desencadear”

Here’s the Portuguese word of the day! If you have any words that you would like to nominate for this word of the day series, let me know! portugueseblogger@gmail.com


desencadear – to trigger, initiate, provoke, unleash

Here are some news headlines that i found using the word “desencadear“:

“Livro polêmico desencadeia protesto de judeus ortodoxos em Jerusalém.” – “Contriversial book triggers protest of orthodox jews in Jerusalem.”

“Sexo pode desencadear infarto em sedentários” – “Sex can provoke a heart attack in sedentary people.”

Portuguese Verb Of The Day – Afrouxar

Here’s the Portuguese word of the day! If you have any words that you would like to nominate for this word of the day series, let me know! portugueseblogger@gmail.com


afrouxar – to loosen, slacken, ease, alleviate (especially when talking about rules, laws or regulations)

“Governo federal vai afrouxar controle sobre obras da Copa e das Olimpíadas.” – The federal government is going to loosen control over the works for the World Cup and the Olympics.